But seriously: he's probably my favorite character. But they're all fantastic characters so then again…but Davey's awesome. This page is awesome. Awesome : D
anonymau5 strikes again.
mau5 just got back from a lit theory class. mau5 is bored and feeling uncharacteristically smart, while simultaneously speaking in third person. This is what i’m thinking with respect to plot progression, folks:
with the advent, and subsequent rise in importance, of these new villains (Marianne, the Cult), I’m willing to bet that Jess is going to pull a fast one on her readers in one of two ways: either these new villains are going to ally with our heterosexual life partners Davey&Chainey in an effort to stop Owen OR… Owen’s going to turn around and ally with the guys using the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mindset, in an effort to squash the cult rising OR Marianne’s advances. Someone’s going to be aligning with someone, I’d wager. If not, our little Instifags have their work cut out for them.
any other lit!fags/MB nerds have any thoughts? or am i just gonna be a geek by myself today.
I’d lean more towards the latter, in that even though Davey hates Owen, I’d like to think he hates Marianne more. Considering his reaction towards what she did to him (“I couldn’t get the feel of you out of me for months!”) I don’t imagine he’d just hand Owen over to her, because despite his hatred for the little bastard and his casual slaughter of non-intelligent zombies, he’s still a good person and probably wouldn’t want to subject anyone to what he went through.
Now, he might strike a deal with Owen (probably something like “If I help you, you have to leave my little brother alone”) and-
Hey, Owen knows who Chainey was before he died, doesn’t he? I completely forgot.
(I see that trope you dropped, anonymau5. I see it.)
I can really see PJ getting mixed up with Marianne in the future, actually. She knows what street she lost Owen on, and it wouldn’t really take too much digging for her to figure out that’s where Davey’s brother lives (assuming she doesn’t know already), and it wouldn’t take that much more investigation to find out, either from Noah or even Davey himself, that O’s taken an interest in Pees.
here’s the thing, though- you’re right, but what changes the game is that EVERYONE is desperate to get their hands on Owen: the police, the institute, Marianne singularly for her own purposes, the cult because they’re a bunch of idolatry-consumned freaks, Davey to protect his brother, Chainey to protect himself- the only person right now who DOESN’T want Owen anywhere near him is Parker.
I could see Owen aligning with Davey OR Parker- the only thing that really stands in the way of that theory is Chainey. I mean… let’s call it what it is, folks, this kid DROVE hundreds of miles through desolate states and marred bodies just to see to it himself that Chainey dies a painful death. Owen’s not gonna let whatever Chainey did go- not for all the tea in China.
Truth be told, the only way I could see Owen and Marianne allying is if she catches him and beats him into submission. Which, quite frankly, is pretty gruesome, because he’s a thirteen year old boy.
I don’t think PJ would /willingly/ get involved with Marianne though. PJ wants his Owen problem to be taken care of permanently, so Marianne could convince him that she can help, and get him to do whatever she wants.
I /am/ really curious about what happened between Chainey and Owen. I mean, what could Chainey have done to make Owen hate him so much? Originally, I was thinking bullying, but when you put it that way, that seems like a lot of trouble to go through for something that’s kinda trivial, all things considered.
Also, I read your fic when you first posted it and I loved it :3 I did not love staying up until 1 am on a school night reading it, but you know what? It was worth it.
Yeah well that’s what I thought too; Jess once mentioned Chainey “knocked that half of Owen’s tooth out.” If it was bullying, which is what I personally put my money on, it was probably so violent and so deeply engrained into Owen’s life that it forced him into a corner where he felt he had no other choice but to take his own life.
I don’t know about you, but I was bullied at a young age; as an adult, now, I’d never want to hurt anyone, no matter how big an asswipe they are. BUT, when I was in… 6th, 7th, 8th grade, around Owen’s age- you’d bet your ass I’d probably knock my bullies off the nearest cliff if I had the chance and I could get away with it!
I think that Chainey and Owen’s reveal, paired with Davey and Parker’s reunion and the ultimate fate of Lazaro and Claire are the things keeping me most on the edge of my seat.
Oh, and thank you! That’s very sweet, dude. :] I’m also taking requests for any other MBfags out there who might be interested, take it or leave it. Because I’m a college student and I didn’t plan on sleeping anyway. :B
While I was never personally bullied as a child, my older brother was ’cause he’s got Asperger’s. Whenever I saw someone messing with him, I did my best to make life as difficult as possible for them, usually with guilt trips and anonymous tips to officials. I never really thought about it, but I guess if I was ever bullied violently I would react in-kind.
As for requests, if you ever get the time I’d like to see some Chainey and Parker. I mean, Chainey is supposed to be keeping an eye on him, after all. I wish I had enough time to write xP In theory I’m supposed to be working on my thesis for highschool. What’re you majoring in right now?
lol that guy’s so casual about the whole thing xD
First comment yay
Oh Davey, you swear so nicely. XD
love the way you draw sweatshirts. Me jaelous. 🙂
But seriously: he's probably my favorite character. But they're all fantastic characters so then again…but Davey's awesome. This page is awesome. Awesome : D
I love this comic always will *sits patiently as always for one of my fav comics to update*
Classic hand-out-of-the-darkness-ready-to-eat-you. Yessssss.
He’s pretty calm about getting slammed around and being called a fucker.
Fuck you Davey – Just…fuck you. Leave him aloooooone!!!!! Poor Carville 🙁
Woo! Davey action! Love the last panel, made me laugh so much.
Davey, you do things to meeeee. <3
carville’s fuckin crackhead status right now.
the perfect anatomy of that hand reaching out made me jizz though.
i mean what.
Davey’s got a way with words O_O
How does he get such a great tan?
Davey, you are dumb, and this is unsafe.
Wait people know about you guys THIS IS A BAD PR MOVE
He probably can.
anonymau5 strikes again.
mau5 just got back from a lit theory class. mau5 is bored and feeling uncharacteristically smart, while simultaneously speaking in third person. This is what i’m thinking with respect to plot progression, folks:
with the advent, and subsequent rise in importance, of these new villains (Marianne, the Cult), I’m willing to bet that Jess is going to pull a fast one on her readers in one of two ways: either these new villains are going to ally with our heterosexual life partners Davey&Chainey in an effort to stop Owen OR… Owen’s going to turn around and ally with the guys using the “enemy of my enemy is my friend” mindset, in an effort to squash the cult rising OR Marianne’s advances. Someone’s going to be aligning with someone, I’d wager. If not, our little Instifags have their work cut out for them.
any other lit!fags/MB nerds have any thoughts? or am i just gonna be a geek by myself today.
I’d lean more towards the latter, in that even though Davey hates Owen, I’d like to think he hates Marianne more. Considering his reaction towards what she did to him (“I couldn’t get the feel of you out of me for months!”) I don’t imagine he’d just hand Owen over to her, because despite his hatred for the little bastard and his casual slaughter of non-intelligent zombies, he’s still a good person and probably wouldn’t want to subject anyone to what he went through.
Now, he might strike a deal with Owen (probably something like “If I help you, you have to leave my little brother alone”) and-
Hey, Owen knows who Chainey was before he died, doesn’t he? I completely forgot.
(I see that trope you dropped, anonymau5. I see it.)
I can really see PJ getting mixed up with Marianne in the future, actually. She knows what street she lost Owen on, and it wouldn’t really take too much digging for her to figure out that’s where Davey’s brother lives (assuming she doesn’t know already), and it wouldn’t take that much more investigation to find out, either from Noah or even Davey himself, that O’s taken an interest in Pees.
She seems willing to do anything to get her hands on Owen, so I find it very easy to see her trying to get to him through PJ.
here’s the thing, though- you’re right, but what changes the game is that EVERYONE is desperate to get their hands on Owen: the police, the institute, Marianne singularly for her own purposes, the cult because they’re a bunch of idolatry-consumned freaks, Davey to protect his brother, Chainey to protect himself- the only person right now who DOESN’T want Owen anywhere near him is Parker.
I could see Owen aligning with Davey OR Parker- the only thing that really stands in the way of that theory is Chainey. I mean… let’s call it what it is, folks, this kid DROVE hundreds of miles through desolate states and marred bodies just to see to it himself that Chainey dies a painful death. Owen’s not gonna let whatever Chainey did go- not for all the tea in China.
Truth be told, the only way I could see Owen and Marianne allying is if she catches him and beats him into submission. Which, quite frankly, is pretty gruesome, because he’s a thirteen year old boy.
oh and shameless self promoting time y/y?
linking MB fanfiction, dudes and dudettes. because i’m a faggot and you should be too.
I don’t think PJ would /willingly/ get involved with Marianne though. PJ wants his Owen problem to be taken care of permanently, so Marianne could convince him that she can help, and get him to do whatever she wants.
I /am/ really curious about what happened between Chainey and Owen. I mean, what could Chainey have done to make Owen hate him so much? Originally, I was thinking bullying, but when you put it that way, that seems like a lot of trouble to go through for something that’s kinda trivial, all things considered.
Also, I read your fic when you first posted it and I loved it :3 I did not love staying up until 1 am on a school night reading it, but you know what? It was worth it.
Yeah well that’s what I thought too; Jess once mentioned Chainey “knocked that half of Owen’s tooth out.” If it was bullying, which is what I personally put my money on, it was probably so violent and so deeply engrained into Owen’s life that it forced him into a corner where he felt he had no other choice but to take his own life.
I don’t know about you, but I was bullied at a young age; as an adult, now, I’d never want to hurt anyone, no matter how big an asswipe they are. BUT, when I was in… 6th, 7th, 8th grade, around Owen’s age- you’d bet your ass I’d probably knock my bullies off the nearest cliff if I had the chance and I could get away with it!
I think that Chainey and Owen’s reveal, paired with Davey and Parker’s reunion and the ultimate fate of Lazaro and Claire are the things keeping me most on the edge of my seat.
Oh, and thank you! That’s very sweet, dude. :] I’m also taking requests for any other MBfags out there who might be interested, take it or leave it. Because I’m a college student and I didn’t plan on sleeping anyway. :B
While I was never personally bullied as a child, my older brother was ’cause he’s got Asperger’s. Whenever I saw someone messing with him, I did my best to make life as difficult as possible for them, usually with guilt trips and anonymous tips to officials. I never really thought about it, but I guess if I was ever bullied violently I would react in-kind.
As for requests, if you ever get the time I’d like to see some Chainey and Parker. I mean, Chainey is supposed to be keeping an eye on him, after all. I wish I had enough time to write xP In theory I’m supposed to be working on my thesis for highschool. What’re you majoring in right now?
Ha, I like how he’s so calm about being attacked by a zombie.
when that cult guy gets squished up against a wall, his cheeks get all chubbeh!
OMG OverObssesed! your so right! hahaha!
Thank you, ;Owen Lover224
I bet Owen’s thinkin of an epic plan to get back at Marianne! (that bitch)
You bet on that!
Nah, I bet he’s recovering!
HA! your both right!
He’ probably healing AND thinking of a way to kill that total slut bitchtard!
~~~ :3
Bet on that, my dood!
someone should seriously start a MB rp. true story. this fandom is too awesome to be without crazy fans.
If you have the app DOLLARS i make a rp sometimes or you could use the webside they have some pretty good rooms and nice people there ^^
must know what happens next!!! go davey!!!!