This promises to go downhill quickly. On the one hand chance to see what Sam is made of, on the other there’s two of them so unless Owen gets loose this is going to be Somnambula all over again. I hate that chapter. These two remind me of that chapter. I may need to take a Maggot Boy vacation again, but then I will miss cute and/or awesome.
“The sack over my shoulder? Free samples, I assure you!”
Anybody else suddenly worried about Owen again…?
rhythmically pounding fists on table
ev! il! sam ev! il! sam!
If Owen isn’t in that bag, I will be extremely disappointed
This promises to go downhill quickly. On the one hand chance to see what Sam is made of, on the other there’s two of them so unless Owen gets loose this is going to be Somnambula all over again. I hate that chapter. These two remind me of that chapter. I may need to take a Maggot Boy vacation again, but then I will miss cute and/or awesome.
0o Gahhhh whats going oooonnnn?
Hah, Sam’s face in the 4th panel!
sam’s face in the fourth panel is just beautiful lmaooo
i must see how they go about this whole situation >:3c
This potential friendship is off to a good start.
Everyone likes the fourth panel but check out that third panel. >83
Whooooooa. Holy shit, that green chick is a… CHICK!? XD I didn’t even notice tbh.