right??? i think we, all of us collectively, are just terrible awful owen-apologists, because i don’t think anybody would argue that he absolutely deserves to pay his dues but i just.. /sad confused noises
Oh godh yes! Like, I would break him out of prison just so he didn’t get executed, not knowing why I felt the need and also being fully aware that he’d kill me afterwards. Like, what the crap is WRONG with me?
Owen’s such a cutie, tho. . .
Oooh I just noticed he doesn’t have a chipped tooth in his human form. I also heard that Jess mentioned a while ago that chainey chipped Owen’s tooth. perhaps lurky lurkson is Chainey and this is some kind of messed up flash back/ hallucination. I’m also wondering who is going to find Owen first. Will Davey find him and bring him to the institute? Will Marianne get to him and (I suspect) manufacture serum or perform horrible tests that will be the “something big” that the institute needs? Or will Shiloh find and rescue him. Maybe even patch up that arm of his, you know with all things considered. Will we get a back story from Owen in this chapter. What is going on between Sam and Carville? I haven’t seen Noah in a long time. And finally Owen’s face in the fourth panel is freaking me out (in a good way).
Also are we all going to ignore the fact that he just made a hilarious pun about his arm being ripped off?
Good catch on the no-chipped-tooth thing, Erin. I think I had subconsciously noticed it, but it’s only good for theorizing if you actively think about it, so thank you. I went digging and found this: http://flipsidered.deviantart.com/art/HATE-16954244
So yeah, Chainey did it. I also remember a pic of Owen sitting really close to a tv (or maybe curled up reading) and I think it had some backstory in it? But I can’t find it. D: This has a chunk of info, though: http://flipsidered.deviantart.com/art/Cat-person-51143377
I’ve suspected Chainey was Lurky Lurkerson since the inky bastard first showed up–lanky, similar hair as far as we can see, and we know Owen knew Chainey by name* before they met in-comic. Chainey also used the dog whistle that set Owen into a panic (which he bought because it had triggered a childhood memory**–he may also have remembered that it would freak Owen out)…so, lacking a dawning realization this page, I’m mostly just sitting here giggling at panel four, because I love puns. XD (Which is also helping stave off the sads because wow poor kid. 8< )
The sad thing is that in the first pannel he just looks so genuinely. . . HAPPY. Like, when’s the last time we’ve seen him like this? Anyone? Anyone? Buler?
Damn this page is disturbing
oh man oh man i am so convinced that the scary shadowy figure is chaineeeeyyy from his past life D:
that actually kinda makes sense!
Dudes that’s so totally him it’s got the hair and everything. This we know!
m-my baby ; D;
Is that the end of Owen?
Owen’s tougher than that, baby girl! :o)
INSaNiTY Owarenai madoi
Man, I feel really bad for Owen right now. First he got his arm ripped off, and now he’s hallucinating or something.
He’s probably been hallucinating since Chainey blew the dog whistle. That’s what had seemed to trigger it, at least.
Headcannon: When Chainey passes out randomly, he goes into Owen’s little world thing. And he’s Lurky Lurkerson.
I thought the same thing.
Maybe the inky figure is Marianne Sutton. (Is that her name?)
Someone help this terrible monster of a child.
right??? i think we, all of us collectively, are just terrible awful owen-apologists, because i don’t think anybody would argue that he absolutely deserves to pay his dues but i just.. /sad confused noises
Oh godh yes! Like, I would break him out of prison just so he didn’t get executed, not knowing why I felt the need and also being fully aware that he’d kill me afterwards. Like, what the crap is WRONG with me?
Owen’s such a cutie, tho. . .
Oooh I just noticed he doesn’t have a chipped tooth in his human form. I also heard that Jess mentioned a while ago that chainey chipped Owen’s tooth.
perhaps lurky lurkson is Chainey and this is some kind of messed up flash back/ hallucination. I’m also wondering who is going to find Owen first. Will Davey find him and bring him to the institute? Will Marianne get to him and (I suspect) manufacture serum or perform horrible tests that will be the “something big” that the institute needs? Or will Shiloh find and rescue him. Maybe even patch up that arm of his, you know with all things considered. Will we get a back story from Owen in this chapter. What is going on between Sam and Carville? I haven’t seen Noah in a long time. And finally Owen’s face in the fourth panel is freaking me out (in a good way).
Also are we all going to ignore the fact that he just made a hilarious pun about his arm being ripped off?
This comment is the best one.
Good catch on the no-chipped-tooth thing, Erin. I think I had subconsciously noticed it, but it’s only good for theorizing if you actively think about it, so thank you. I went digging and found this: http://flipsidered.deviantart.com/art/HATE-16954244
So yeah, Chainey did it. I also remember a pic of Owen sitting really close to a tv (or maybe curled up reading) and I think it had some backstory in it? But I can’t find it. D: This has a chunk of info, though: http://flipsidered.deviantart.com/art/Cat-person-51143377
I’ve suspected Chainey was Lurky Lurkerson since the inky bastard first showed up–lanky, similar hair as far as we can see, and we know Owen knew Chainey by name* before they met in-comic. Chainey also used the dog whistle that set Owen into a panic (which he bought because it had triggered a childhood memory**–he may also have remembered that it would freak Owen out)…so, lacking a dawning realization this page, I’m mostly just sitting here giggling at panel four, because I love puns. XD (Which is also helping stave off the sads because wow poor kid. 8< )
*Name drop (plus the next two pages): http://maggot-boy.com/wp/?p=116
**Flashback page: http://maggot-boy.com/wp/?p=208
…Oh god I just noticed the mouseover text JESS MADE A DAD JOKE ASLDKFJSAHHAHAHA.
The sad thing is that in the first pannel he just looks so genuinely. . . HAPPY. Like, when’s the last time we’ve seen him like this? Anyone? Anyone? Buler?
Okay. That’s disturbing.
“I can’t get these memories out of my mind,
And some kind of madness has started to evolve.”
Owen nooooo ;-;
I’m practically ‘armless….. Ha
Ha ha
im practically armless!