…and Owen proceeded to eat him up. Now that is truly tragic, lol. Then again, maybe Owen takes the leg off PJ and replaces his damaged one with it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens, seeing as how Owen is patched up with different skins and possibly different body parts as well.
Well, who knows….hopefully PJ is still alive…somehow…
If PJ dies, or (possibly worse) ends up a zombie, Davey is going to flip. Right. The. Hell. Out.
And, on the one hand, PJ would be an adorable zombie…if he were an aware. But on the other hand, I don’t think he’d handle it as well as his big bro or even Chainey. And Davey would not handle it well at all.
OH NO You didn’t
please don’t
Owen is still my favorite character by far but I Love PJ Too D:
NONONONO He Can’t be dead right??
He just fainted Right?
Wait… deja vu? You mean Owen has contemplated suicide? AWWWW OWEN!
And PJ!!! Damn it, Owen, I love ya but I love Davey too and you’re gonna tear his heart out if it turns out PJ is dead.
I don’t think Owen would really just kill him like that. Out of the blue. I mean, he may have been pissed at PJ for using all the bullets and keeping him from killing himself but he didn’t look like he did it out of rage. He looked like he did it methodically, for a reason besides spontaneous murder. At least…I hope he had a reason, and it didn’t involve PJ dead.
Dude, Owen just needs a hug. Maybe he wouldn’t feel like killing if he had someone to hug him every once in a while.
And maybe it’s just me…but I really do think Owen sees PJ as a connection to the real world. PJ is the only person Owen really has an established relationship with, who isn’t dead I mean (I don’t know what went on between him and Chainey, for example). PJ is like that enemy that he made that he got too close to. Besides, Owen doesn’t hate PJ. Otherwise he would have killed him a long time ago. And I don’t support PJxOwen. I just think Owen sees him as a way to relate to the world of the living that he’s left behind.
I mean, in all the other scenes where we’ve seen him kill, he looked happy, even bored. When he was choking PJ, he looked more regretful and anxious than anything. And when the deed was done, he didn’t storm off like he’d done it out of rage. He looked almost sad.
Damn Owen! You scary!
I highly doubt PJ is dead. Owen likely suffocated him to unconsciousness. I don’t think you can smother someone and have them die THAT fast. I’m guessing he did it so he could easily escape before the cops get here. With that injured leg it’d be hard enough to get away, and with a screaming rabid PJ pulling him down it’d be impossible unless Owen got super pissed and, I dunno, ripped both his legs off. But I don’t see him doing that to PJ because he’s obviously grown a bit fond of him, in a frienemy sort of way. Maybe Owen will even take PJ with him as a hostage.
I know that he is probably just passed out but man if PJ is really dead i’m just gonna flip cause geez Owen why would you do this and think of how Davey is gonnareactandohgodhesgonnakillyousodeadagainalksdjfsjfklsljfdslsj.
Own is so jealous of PJ; you can hear it in his tirade. Nobody is that passionate about a person (even negatively) unless they are obsessed with that person somehow. Owen obviously killed all those kids because they were part of the life that Owen envied.
We know nothing about Owen’s life before he died, but considering how he acts, and the skills he has, a dysfunctional family seems likely. I’m guessing that Owen might wish that someone cared about him as much as Davy cares about Parker, but he doesn’t know how to get people to care for him like that.
AW HELL YISS deep maggot boy shit tiem.
No but in all seriousness, I admire the ardor with which you delve into Owen’s potential backstories, I’m going to have to disagree, brah! With respect to the backstory concerning a “dysfunctional family”, Owen’s family canonically takes the shape of two very well-meaning adoptive parents (refer to: http://flipsidered.tumblr.com/post/20046876001/pinball-owen-request). And listen, I’m a lover of a good Owen-based wangst-session, but I don’t quite peg him as the “deep down I just want to be loved” type. That’s just a personal headcanon, of course, and in no way means to imply that you’re incorrect! :] What I WILL agree with is that Parker and Owen are definitely foils for one another Parker and Owen were both bullied, and both troubled, but Parker is, for all intents and purposes, living a life that could have been Owen’s!
love me some good mb analysis. flies off into the sun
Well, I never said that Owen wanted to be loved NOW; but rather wished that he had been loved while younger. It’s obvious now that he’s actively offended by the concept of love, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t wish it was part of his past; maybe a wish for an older brother that was protective of him as Davy is to P.J. This is all supposition, and it’s obvious that his psychological pathology is quite complex.
Now he’s rendered Parker unconscious in a “non-violent” manner (that doesn’t leave bruises/concussion), so it’s obvious he wants the kid alive. My personal guess is that he wants him as a hostage for when the police show up.
At McBob I wasn’t saying that it took a lot of strength to suffocate someone I was saying that it would have been a lot quicker to break his neck or disembowel him since he was so strong and the fact that he didn’t suggests that he was being gentle with PJ and not trying to kill him.
Oh. no. he. is. dead. *end sarcasm*
So how long till P.J. finds out his date’s not canceled? Cause Owen’s lack of depth challenged stalked makes Vic. #4 being Bazy.
Woops. Previous comment illegable! Sorry I was asking if Bastion’s actually dead or if Owen’s 4th snack was his noticeably absent stalker? Again sorry about bellow. *embarrassed*
Great page. I wasn’t expecting that the last page would happen where he would just give up. Then you have him kill PJ. Great plot twist. Also I like your choice of the last two panels. With the focus on faces. I have followed you for a while, I like the detail you put into your pages plus the story is really fun to follow.
It”s unlikely that PJ’s dead. You have to keep blocking a person’s breathing for a while after they pass out to kill them. Notice that he didn’t go for choking him that would have killed him fairly quickly. Owen’s not trying to kill P.J. He just wants to cause him a great deal of pain, mostly emotional, most likely to cheese off Davy so Davy will kill him. More and more, I’m convinced that Owen wants to die, but just isn’t brave enough to kill himself. So, he makes others want to kill him.Humans would just capture him and torture him for scientific/magical research, but I think Owen sees Davy as the person most likely to kill him.
hrnng imma die of literal suspense XDX
*reads comments…eye twitch*
people, people…that would be necrophilia,rape,and many other things you guys normally go EEEEEW to =l
sooo much feels, damn cliff hangers!
/flips universe.
I need to know what happens next! ;A;
oh noooo D:
I need to know what happens as well. This is too much of a cliffhanger.
…and Owen proceeded to eat him up. Now that is truly tragic, lol. Then again, maybe Owen takes the leg off PJ and replaces his damaged one with it. I wouldn’t be surprised if that happens, seeing as how Owen is patched up with different skins and possibly different body parts as well.
Well, who knows….hopefully PJ is still alive…somehow…
EEEEE /reads update 8D ……
Nope. ;w;
T.T You are a cruel and unusual artist! AGH!
If PJ dies, or (possibly worse) ends up a zombie, Davey is going to flip. Right. The. Hell. Out.
And, on the one hand, PJ would be an adorable zombie…if he were an aware. But on the other hand, I don’t think he’d handle it as well as his big bro or even Chainey. And Davey would not handle it well at all.
Damn, I hope he’s just unconscious…
OH NO You didn’t
please don’t
Owen is still my favorite character by far but I Love PJ Too D:
NONONONO He Can’t be dead right??
He just fainted Right?
Wait… deja vu? You mean Owen has contemplated suicide? AWWWW OWEN!
And PJ!!! Damn it, Owen, I love ya but I love Davey too and you’re gonna tear his heart out if it turns out PJ is dead.
I don’t think Owen would really just kill him like that. Out of the blue. I mean, he may have been pissed at PJ for using all the bullets and keeping him from killing himself but he didn’t look like he did it out of rage. He looked like he did it methodically, for a reason besides spontaneous murder. At least…I hope he had a reason, and it didn’t involve PJ dead.
Dude, Owen just needs a hug. Maybe he wouldn’t feel like killing if he had someone to hug him every once in a while.
And maybe it’s just me…but I really do think Owen sees PJ as a connection to the real world. PJ is the only person Owen really has an established relationship with, who isn’t dead I mean (I don’t know what went on between him and Chainey, for example). PJ is like that enemy that he made that he got too close to. Besides, Owen doesn’t hate PJ. Otherwise he would have killed him a long time ago. And I don’t support PJxOwen. I just think Owen sees him as a way to relate to the world of the living that he’s left behind.
I mean, in all the other scenes where we’ve seen him kill, he looked happy, even bored. When he was choking PJ, he looked more regretful and anxious than anything. And when the deed was done, he didn’t storm off like he’d done it out of rage. He looked almost sad.
something that makes a characters death more tragic is how their loved ones react. and imagining davey grieving over pj is just.. ;A;
awh maaaaan…
HOLD DA PHONE!PJ cant be dead!
Ohhh suffocated him into unconsciousness? I’m so curious as to why! Can’t wait for more!
Well that’s just great.
Damn Owen! You scary!
I highly doubt PJ is dead. Owen likely suffocated him to unconsciousness. I don’t think you can smother someone and have them die THAT fast. I’m guessing he did it so he could easily escape before the cops get here. With that injured leg it’d be hard enough to get away, and with a screaming rabid PJ pulling him down it’d be impossible unless Owen got super pissed and, I dunno, ripped both his legs off. But I don’t see him doing that to PJ because he’s obviously grown a bit fond of him, in a frienemy sort of way. Maybe Owen will even take PJ with him as a hostage.
Owen wouldn’t kill PJ he loves him too much
Parker is just sleeping
Damn. I thought it would’ve been a Yowai kiss. :/
I’m actually really glad you haven’t succumbed to our cries of Yaaaaoooiii”. I like my ships uncannon
…THE FUG IS THIS SHIT HERE?! OWEN, THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Its not PJ’s fault you suck at committing suicide.
I know that he is probably just passed out but man if PJ is really dead i’m just gonna flip cause geez Owen why would you do this and think of how Davey is gonnareactandohgodhesgonnakillyousodeadagainalksdjfsjfklsljfdslsj.
Owen youre really bad at killin yourself poor babu
Nuuuuuuuuu these feeeeeels
Own is so jealous of PJ; you can hear it in his tirade. Nobody is that passionate about a person (even negatively) unless they are obsessed with that person somehow. Owen obviously killed all those kids because they were part of the life that Owen envied.
that’s pretty deep. So deep in fact it cut my heart and now I’m in so much pain, oh my god, ooowww…..
We know nothing about Owen’s life before he died, but considering how he acts, and the skills he has, a dysfunctional family seems likely. I’m guessing that Owen might wish that someone cared about him as much as Davy cares about Parker, but he doesn’t know how to get people to care for him like that.
AW HELL YISS deep maggot boy shit tiem.
No but in all seriousness, I admire the ardor with which you delve into Owen’s potential backstories, I’m going to have to disagree, brah! With respect to the backstory concerning a “dysfunctional family”, Owen’s family canonically takes the shape of two very well-meaning adoptive parents (refer to: http://flipsidered.tumblr.com/post/20046876001/pinball-owen-request). And listen, I’m a lover of a good Owen-based wangst-session, but I don’t quite peg him as the “deep down I just want to be loved” type. That’s just a personal headcanon, of course, and in no way means to imply that you’re incorrect! :] What I WILL agree with is that Parker and Owen are definitely foils for one another Parker and Owen were both bullied, and both troubled, but Parker is, for all intents and purposes, living a life that could have been Owen’s!
love me some good mb analysis. flies off into the sun
Well, I never said that Owen wanted to be loved NOW; but rather wished that he had been loved while younger. It’s obvious now that he’s actively offended by the concept of love, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t wish it was part of his past; maybe a wish for an older brother that was protective of him as Davy is to P.J. This is all supposition, and it’s obvious that his psychological pathology is quite complex.
Now he’s rendered Parker unconscious in a “non-violent” manner (that doesn’t leave bruises/concussion), so it’s obvious he wants the kid alive. My personal guess is that he wants him as a hostage for when the police show up.
Now Owen will catch a cab! right?
Well Owen is crazy strong so since it didn’t look like he broke pjs neck or rip him to pieces hopefully he isn’t dead just unconscious
You don’t need to be all that strong to hold your hands over a guy’s mouth and nose so he can’t breathe.
At McBob I wasn’t saying that it took a lot of strength to suffocate someone I was saying that it would have been a lot quicker to break his neck or disembowel him since he was so strong and the fact that he didn’t suggests that he was being gentle with PJ and not trying to kill him.
Oh. no. he. is. dead. *end sarcasm*
So how long till P.J. finds out his date’s not canceled? Cause Owen’s lack of depth challenged stalked makes Vic. #4 being Bazy.
Okay now for serious love your stuff!
Woops. Previous comment illegable! Sorry I was asking if Bastion’s actually dead or if Owen’s 4th snack was his noticeably absent stalker? Again sorry about bellow. *embarrassed*
It’s all good, I think PJ’s just takin a street nap. Who wouldn’t be tired after being suffocated by a suicidal zombie?
cfkjdhkdsyufdsihvsdujvhs dvaahhhhghghahhaahagagag no I can’t, why don’t they just kiss like normal boys?
Great page. I wasn’t expecting that the last page would happen where he would just give up. Then you have him kill PJ. Great plot twist. Also I like your choice of the last two panels. With the focus on faces. I have followed you for a while, I like the detail you put into your pages plus the story is really fun to follow.
It”s unlikely that PJ’s dead. You have to keep blocking a person’s breathing for a while after they pass out to kill them. Notice that he didn’t go for choking him that would have killed him fairly quickly. Owen’s not trying to kill P.J. He just wants to cause him a great deal of pain, mostly emotional, most likely to cheese off Davy so Davy will kill him. More and more, I’m convinced that Owen wants to die, but just isn’t brave enough to kill himself. So, he makes others want to kill him.Humans would just capture him and torture him for scientific/magical research, but I think Owen sees Davy as the person most likely to kill him.
More. NAO PLOX! Seriously though, more!
so much suspense
and my precious baby… ;.;
eeeeeeeeeeeeee i can’t wait for more…. woo! I check everyday just in case! <3
it would be cool if PJ became an awere zombie just like his brother
This is just so awesome.
hrnng imma die of literal suspense XDX
*reads comments…eye twitch*
people, people…that would be necrophilia,rape,and many other things you guys normally go EEEEEW to =l
It can actually be pretty hard to do that kind of thing without risking brain damage. Lets hope he wakes up alright.
Did …… Did Owen just……… Owen… My favorite….. Probably…. Killed…. My other favorite…….? </3